
Externally funded projects have been awarded to faculty from Saudi Aramco, BOEING, ABB, ARABIO, ALANOUD, SAGIA, SHELL, ALJOMEH, MOE, NG, IZON, & QNRF. This is a promising development in that it shows that faculty members are going after a wide range of funding sources.Prominence in research is vital to realizing the University's aims of becoming a principal educational institution and a role model in the region. It is also a critical component to the University's mission of conducting world class research that benefits the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the region and the world. Partnerships between Alfaisal University and external stakeholders is central to conducting research which can be applied to benefit and advance society. Key stakeholders for Alfaisal include for example KACST, KFSHRC and Boeing. Furthermore, Alfaisal University provides support services for research in the form of laboratory space, funding, compensation, laboratories, computing facilities and hiring research assistants.

In addition, the Office of Research & Graduate Studies, as the administrative arm of the Research & Graduate Studies Council, is responsible for assuring adherence to the University's and sponsor's policies and procedures, and for following ethical standards in conducting research. It provides direction and guidance in the development, identification, and securing of funding sources as well as proposal development, submission, administering and closure of awards. Policies and procedures governing internal and sponsored research conducted at Alfaisal University are available on this website.